相傳,亞歷山大大帝四處征戰時候,戰馬因作戰耗損,失去作戰能力 ,只好棄置曠野,任期自生自滅 ⋯

鼎棘膠囊/滴液 Seabuckthorn 食品
有關沙棘在現代醫學的臨床應用約在1940年代肇始於前蘇聯。在前蘇聯,沙棘油所製成的藥品早於1952年已被列入藥典中;在中國,沙棘也在1977年列入藥典中。 「鼎棘」中的沙棘油,在前蘇聯亦被稱為「太空人食品」。原植物沙棘生長在極惡劣的環境下,而能蘊生豐富的生物活性成份,食用後容易吸收而滋補強身。長期使用除了能滋補強身,增加體力,更可以促進精神旺盛,保持身體健康,是不可多得的保健性食品。
特 色︰譽為神奇之果、聖果
容 量︰200粒/罐(350mg/粒)
Seabuckthorn Capsules, Drops
The whole body of sea buckthorn is a treasure with many uses and a plant with high economic value. Berries can be eaten directly. As juice, jam, and medicinal materials, they have been developed and applied in ancient Eurasia. In recent years, Hippophae rhamnoides has been widely valued in various parts of the world and is regarded as the most potential medicinal health plant, including countries in the former Soviet Union, Canada, the United States, European countries, India, China, etc. In development, it mainly focuses on the value of nutrition and health care. The clinical application of sea buckthorn in modern medicine began in the former Soviet Union around 1940s.In the former Soviet Union, medicines made from sea buckthorn oil were listed in the pharmacopoeia as early as 1952; In China, sea buckthorn was also included in the Pharmacopoeia in 1977. Sea buckthorn oil in ” Sager -U” was also called “Astronaut Food” in the former Soviet Union. The original plant Hippophae rhamnoides grows extremely in harsh environment, and can contain abundant biological active ingredients, which can be easily absorbed and nourished after eating. In addition to long-term use, it can nourish and strengthen the body and increase physical strength. It can also promote mental health and maintain good health. It is a rare health food.
[Main Ingredients] Sea Buckthorn Oil
[All ingredients of gelatin] Gelatin, glycerin, water
[Content] 60 capsules in a box, 200 capsules in a can (each capsule weighs about 350 mg)
[Usage] 2 to 3 times a day, 3 to 5 capsules each time, with boiled water to swallow.
Miraculous Fruit; King of Vitamin C; Superoxide dismutase (SOD) Natural vitamins; Flavonoids; Plant pigment; Amino acid; Organic acid; Fatty acids Trace elements; Volatile composition

鼎棘膠囊-家庭號 (200粒)
NTD $7,600 / USD $253.33

鼎棘膠囊 (60粒)
NTD $2,400 / USD $80